Comparative Literature Minor

The comparative literature minor offers students flexibility to develop creative approaches to international literature and film, while placing a strong emphasis on foreign language learning and training in theory. The program encourages students to develop rigorous analytic skills and excellent communication skills applicable to a wide range of fields.


In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must:

  • take at least nine hours of their minor "core" requirements at UNC–Chapel Hill
  • earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the minor core requirements. Some programs may require higher standards for minor or specific courses.

For more information, please consult the degree requirements section of the catalog.

Core Requirements
One course from Great Books I (CMPL courses numbered between 120 and 129)3
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books I: Epic and Lyric Traditions
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books I: Romancing the World H
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books I: Visual Arts and Literature from Antiquity to 1750 H
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books I: Politics and Literature from Antiquity to 1750
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books I: Science and Literature from Antiquity to 1750
One course from Great Books II (CMPL courses numbered between 130 and 142)3
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books II H
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books II: Savage, Native, Stranger, Other
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books II: Performance and Cultural Identity in the African Diaspora
Great Books II: Imaging the Americas from the Late 18th Century to the Present
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Great Books II: Travel and Identity H
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Visual Culture II
Three additional courses numbered between CMPL 200 and CMPL 6999
Total Hours15

Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.

Courses cross-listed between comparative literature and classics may not be counted for a minor in comparative literature by students majoring in classics.

Comparative Literature (CMPL) course descriptions

See the program page here for special opportunities.

Department of English and Comparative Literature

Visit Program Website

Greenlaw Hall, CB# 3520

(919) 962-5481


Marsha Collins

ECL Undergraduate Advisor

Hilary Lithgow

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Joseph Fletcher