N.C. Community College Transfer Articulation

Transfer Guides (formally known as Baccalaureate Degree Plans or "Pathways" at UNC-Chapel Hill) serve as advising and degree planning tools for transfer students at North Carolina Community Colleges. Transfer Guides are resources created by universities to identify community college courses that lead to associate degree completion, admission into an intended major at a UNC institution, and ultimately baccalaureate completion upon transferring.

By following these Transfer Guides, you will best be positioned to transfer smoothly to UNC and complete your desired major. Please note that these are recommendations only. We do not require or expect that all transfer students will have completed the courses listed on these Transfer Guides.

2024-2025 Transfer Guides

The 2024-2025 Transfer Guides will be published in July 2024. A link will be provided when available. 

Previous Pathways 

To review recommended pathways from academic years 2019 - 2024, please see the University Catalog archives: