About the Graduate Catalog
The Graduate Catalog provides basic information about more than 60 doctoral and over 100 master’s programs currently active in The Graduate School. It describes admission standards and requirements, tuition and other costs, and sources of financial aid (including fellowships). Links to research institutes and centers also are given. In addition to brief descriptions of programs and a comprehensive listing of all graduate courses, this catalog includes, under each program description, a current roster of graduate faculty members specializing in that area together with their specific research interests. For additional information on many of these topics, please visit The Graduate School's website.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the leading graduate research universities in the United States. As one of the most comprehensive universities in the nation, Carolina provides a breadth of study and interdisciplinary experience matched by few institutions. The University’s academic excellence is enhanced by the support of a community that includes people from a range of ethnic, racial, socioeconomic, and geographic backgrounds, as well as individuals whose personal attributes contribute to a rich learning environment. The University is committed to equality of educational opportunity. In addition to an outstanding faculty, comprehensive research and library resources, and exceptional facilities, the University has a warm and collegial spirit that is conducive to students’ personal growth and scholarship.
As a supplement to the Graduate Catalog, the Graduate School Handbook contains most of the policies and procedures of The Graduate School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Students should become familiar with the material pertaining to their degree programs and, together with their faculty advisors, make certain that the chosen program of study complies with all policies.
Several UNC–Chapel Hill schools offer graduate degree programs that are not administered by The Graduate School. For information about these programs, please consult the following websites: Kenan–Flagler Business School, UNC Adams School of Dentistry, School of Education, School of Law, School of Medicine, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, and UNC's Digital and Lifelong Learning.
Administrative Board of The Graduate School
David Adalsteinsson (2026)
Rob Capra (2025)
Information and Library Science
Adrienne Cox (2027)
Pharmacology and Radiation Oncology
Vacant (2027)
Shelley Golden (2025)
Health Behavior
Vacant (2027)
School of Journalism and Media
Marisa Marraccini (2026)
School of Education
Carmen Hsu (2026)
Romance Studies
Adam Jacks (2027)
Allied Health
Sarah Jacobson
Assistant Dean for Admissions/Enrolled Students, Graduate School
Willow Jacobson (2025)
School of Government
Vacant (2027)
School of Pharmacy
Vacant (2027)
Jasleen Kaur (2027)
Computer Science
Nikhil Kaza (2026)
City and Regional Planning
Vacant (2026)
School of Social Work
Vacant (2025)
GPSG Representative
Beth Mayer-Davis
Dean, Graduate School
Kate McAnulty
Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Graduate School
Brian McManus (2025)
Don Nonini (2025)
Vacant (2027)
Kenan-Flagler Business School
Vacant (2027)
Adams School of Dentistry
Kim Stern (2026)
English and Comparative Literature
Brian Rybarczyk
Associate Dean for Professional Development, Graduate School
Stephanie Schmitt
Vice Dean, Graduate School
Frank Tsui (2026)
Physics and Astronomy
Graduate School Administration
Beth Mayer-Davis, Ph.D.
Vanessa Doriott Anderson, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Academic and Career Development
Sarah Jacobson, M.A.
Assistant Dean for Admissions and Enrolled Students
Kate McAnulty, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Associate Dean for Development
Associate Dean, Professional Development
Stephanie Schmitt, Ph.D.
Vice Dean
Beverly Wyrick
Associate Dean, Finance and Operations
Graduate School Staff
The Graduate School is committed to improving and facilitating the integration of graduate and professional students' academic, professional, and personal development, as well as to assist students to make the most of their Carolina experience. To further these aims, The Graduate School staff, located in Bynum Hall, is responsible for assisting students in a number of capacities. The offices of the associate dean for student affairs and the associate dean for academics create and implement programs and services that specifically address the needs of graduate and professional students. Some of these programs are listed below. The diversity and student success program develops and provides a number of programs and services throughout the year, both academic and social in nature, to assist graduate students of color with a successful transition and experience during their graduate work. The director of graduate student academic and professional development oversees workshops, training, and events in the Graduate Student Center focused on broad professional skills and career success. Graduate School staff are available to all graduate and professional students as a source of counsel, information, and referral for questions involving student services, academic procedures, policies, and grievances. Information is available by telephone at (919) 966-2611 or on the Web.
Beth Mayer-Davis
Krupal Amin
Director of Academic Affairs
Renata Buchanan
Admissions and Enrolled Students Specialist
Vanessa Doriott Anderson
Assistant Dean for Academic and Career Development
John Easterbrook
Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives
Rhonda Ethridge
Business Services Coordinator
Pam Frome
Research Associate for Graduate Education Studies
Chris Harris
Admissions and Enrolled Students Specialist
Sarah Jacobson
Assistant Dean for Admissions and Enrolled Students
Ronice Johnson-Guy
Assistant Director, Student Success
Stephanie Johnston
Functional Data Analyst
Kim Kuecker
Program Coordinator, Student Success
Laura Kuizin
Director, Masters of Applied Professional Studies
Betty Lewis
Admissions and Enrolled Students Specialist
Faye Lewis
Executive Assistant to the Dean and Alumni and Donor Relations Coordinator
Jenny Lewis
Admissions and Enrolled Students Specialist
Kate McAnulty
Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Kyle Miller
Accounting Technician
Abby Mitcham
Admissions and Enrolled Students Specialist
Julie Montaigne
Director, Fellowships Office
Kate Moser
Associate Dean for Development
Lou Anne Phelps
Program Review and Student Services Coordinator
Laura Pratt
Fellowship Programs Coordinator
Director, Communications
Catherine Robinson
Admissions and Enrolled Students Specialist
Graduate Funding Coordinator
Alicia Rogers
Director, Human Resources
Shaun Rutherford
Admissions and Enrolled Students Specialist
Bryan Rybarczyk
Associate Dean for Professional Development
Stephanie Schmitt
Vice Dean
Lisa Schneider
Executive Assistant and Special Projects Coordinator
Katie Stember
Director of Experiential Learning
Laura Thorp
Director of Student Affairs
Director, Web and Information Systems
Director, Student Success
Beverly Wyrick
Associate Dean, Finance and Operations
History of The Graduate School
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was the first state university to admit students. It was chartered in 1789 and formally opened in 1795; from early in its history, it has encouraged research and creative activity. As early as 1853–1854 the catalog of the University carried an announcement of graduate coursework. In 1876, after the institution had been closed for the period 1871–1875, the catalog announced the requirements for the master's degree, and the next issue carried an announcement of regulations governing the degrees of master of arts, master of science, and doctor of philosophy. Several graduate degrees were awarded before the turn of the century (the first Ph.D. having been conferred in 1883) but it was not until 1903 that a separate graduate school with a dean was established.
The Graduate School celebrated its 100th year in 2003 by hosting a national forum on graduate education, sponsoring numerous student and alumni recognition ceremonies, and commissioning the book, Pioneer to Powerhouse: The History of Graduate Education at Carolina.
In 1922 the graduate faculty voted to vest in the Administrative Board of The Graduate School legislative powers in matters that affected graduate education, to authorize the Administrative Board to admit members to the teaching faculty of The Graduate School, and to vest in the Administrative Board the responsibility for authorizing curricula and courses carrying graduate credit.
With the exception of the master of business administration (M.B.A.), the master of accounting (M.A.C.), the master's in clinical laboratory science (M.C.L.S.), the master's in radiologic science (M.R.S.), the master of law (L.L.M.), the master of health sciences (M.H.S.), the master of education for experienced teachers (M.Ed.), and the master of school administration (M.S.A.), all master's degrees offered by the University and the degrees of doctor of philosophy, doctor of education (post-2011), doctor of nursing practice, and doctor of public health are conferred by The Graduate School.
Work toward advanced degrees at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill proceeds under policies and regulations established by the graduate faculty. The immediate direction of The Graduate School is in the charge of the Administrative Board, of which the dean is chair. At present the board consists of academic and health affairs faculty representatives appointed by the chancellor upon nomination by the dean of The Graduate School.
Summer School for Graduate Students
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill established what was possibly the first summer school in America in 1877. The "Summer Normal School," as it was then called, enrolled 235 students in courses over 10 disciplines. About half the students were teachers; students came from 42 counties across North Carolina and from neighboring states. Summer School was the first school at UNC–Chapel Hill to enroll women, beginning in its first year and continuing thereafter. By 1925, records indicate that 19,983 students had enrolled in Summer School.
Curricula and courses offered during Summer School are comparable to those of the fall and spring semesters. Summer School offers two sessions of five weeks each, a three-week Maymester, and other short courses with various beginning and ending dates. The summer program is planned to meet the needs of graduate students who are fulfilling degree requirements in this institution, visiting graduate students who desire to take courses for transfer to other institutions, teachers and administrators who desire to meet state certification requirements, and other students who have special educational objectives.
Graduate students who wish to be admitted or readmitted for the summer to a degree program should contact The Graduate School. The requirements for admission to a degree program starting in the summer are the same as those in the regular academic year. Those who desire other information or those wanting to enroll in the summer as visiting students should visit Summer School's website, contact Summer School via email at, or telephone (919) 966-4364. Summer School is located at 134 East Franklin Street, Room 200, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3340.
Visiting Scholars
Registration as a visiting scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill entitles the registrant to certain privileges of the University, the issuance of a UNC One Card, and the use of University facilities for the duration of the visiting scholar's stay.
Eligibility for registration as a visiting scholar is limited to those who
- Are not on the University payroll as employees in any capacity, and
- Are visiting the University under the sponsorship of an academic department or school for the furtherance of scholarly interests.
Visiting scholars may include faculty members on leave from other institutions of higher learning, postdoctoral fellows, or others who hold the terminal degree in their fields and who are invited to visit by a department or school.
Persons interested in applying for visiting scholars status should communicate with the appropriate department or school within the University. Further details concerning University privileges for visiting scholars are available from the Human Resources Office, CB# 1045, 104 Airport Drive, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-1045.
The University Year
Two semesters of approximately 17 weeks each and a summer school consisting of two sessions (each five and one-half weeks long) constitute the University year. The requirements for admission to graduate programs and for graduate degrees in the summer session are the same as those in the regular academic year. For the schedule of events of particular interest to graduate students, consult the academic calendars at the Office of the University Registrar.