Health and Society Minor

The minor in health and society provides students with an opportunity to examine contemporary health patterns and trends characterizing U.S. society and societies around the world, as well as sociologically based explanations for those patterns and trends. It also provides students with an understanding of the social construction of health and illness in modern societies. The minor brings together courses focused specifically on linkages between health and society, along with courses focused on social organization and social stratification, to provide students with insights into the ways that societies define health and illness and how social organization and stratification influence population health.

In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must:

  • take at least nine hours of their minor "core" requirements at UNC–Chapel Hill
  • earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the minor core requirements. Some programs may require higher standards for minor or specific courses.

For more information, please consult the degree requirements section of the catalog.

Core Requirements
SOCI 101IDEAs in Action General Education logo Sociological Perspectives H3
SOCI 172IDEAs in Action General Education logo Introduction to Population Health in the United States3
or SOCI 180 IDEAs in Action General Education logo Introduction to Global Population Health
SOCI 422IDEAs in Action General Education logo Sociology of Mental Health and Illness3
SOCI 469Health and Society3
One elective course chosen from the following list:3
Population Problems
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Race and Ethnicity
Crime and Criminal Justice
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Sex and Gender in Society
Sociology of Sexualities
Sociology of Adolescence
Sociology of Religion
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Family and Society
Family and Society, Junior/Senior Section
Social and Economic Justice
Societies and Genomics
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Formal Organizations and Bureaucracy
Social Movements
Social Stratification
The City and Urbanization
Economy and Society
Political Sociology
Environmental Sociology
Law and Society
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Religion and Society
Sociology of Food and Food Justice
Immigration in Contemporary America
Race, Class, and Gender
United States Poverty and Public Policy
Total Hours15

Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.

This minor is open to all undergraduate students. For sociology majors and management and society majors, no more than 45 hours of SOCI course credit may be used toward fulfilling the B.A. graduation requirement in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Department of Sociology

Visit Program Website

155 Hamilton Hall, CB# 3210

(919) 962-1007

Director of Undergraduate Studies (Spring 2025)

Jessica Su

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Neal Caren

Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies

Rene Iwo


Lisa Pearce