General Education Approved Course Substitution Lists
Only students approved for a substitution by the Course Substitution Committee may use the below listed courses to fulfill global language or quantitative General Education requirements. The below lists were approved effective fall 2024. Students approved for a course substitution prior to fall 2024 may use courses from this list in addition to their originally approved course list. All students approved for a substitution may continue to use courses approved for the applicable requirement to fulfill the requirement in addition to any of the below substitutions.
Quantitative Substitution
For students following the IDEAs in Action General Education curriculum, this substitution list applies to the Focus Capacity: Quantitative Reasoning (FC-QUANT) requirement. Courses used for substitution will follow the overlap rules for Focus Capacity courses as outlined in the IDEAs in Action General Education curriculum.
For students following the Making Connections General Education curriculum, this substitution list applies to the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) and Quantitative Intensive (QI) requirements. In addition to the substitution courses listed below, approved students following the Making Connections General Education curriculum may use any QI course to fulfill the QR requirement and may use any FC-QUANT course to fulfill either QR or QI (see lists at the end of this page).
Students may request an adjustment to which course(s) are being used as a substitution if they would prefer to retain a General Education credit the course is approved to fulfill which cannot overlap with substitution. They can do so by contacting the course evaluation coordinator in the Office of Undergraduate Curricula.
Quantitative Substitution Course List
Code | Title | Hours |
ANTH 220 | 3 | |
COMP 126 | 3 | |
EDUC 408 | Research Methods in Human Development | 3 |
GEOG 50 | 3 | |
GEOG 110 | 3 | |
GEOG 111 | 3 | |
GEOG 115 | Maps: Geographic Information from Babylon to Google | 3 |
GEOG 230 | The World at Eight Billion | 3 |
GEOG 269 | 3 | |
GEOG 391 | Quantitative Methods in Geography | 3 |
GEOG 412 | Synoptic Meteorology | 3 |
GEOG 414 | 3 | |
GEOG/ENEC 437 | 3 | |
GEOG 441 | Introduction to Watershed Systems | 3 |
GEOG/ENEC 451 | 3 | |
GEOG/PLAN 491 | Introduction to GIS | 3 |
GEOG 544 | Geographic Information Systems for Impact Evaluation and Health Studies | 3 |
INLS 151 | 3 | |
LING 101 | 3 | |
LING 200 | 3 | |
LING 201 | Syntax | 3 |
LING 427 | Morphology | 3 |
MUSC 121 | 3 | |
MUSC 239 | Introduction to Music Technology | 3 |
H | Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply. |
Global Language Substitution
For students following the IDEAs in Action General Education curriculum, this substitution list applies to the Global Language (GLBL-LANG) requirement. GLBL-LANG approved courses will follow the overlap rules as outlined in the IDEAs in Action General Education curriculum. Courses used as a GLBL-LANG substitution course may overlap with one or more of the following Gen Ed requirements: FY-Seminar/FY-Launch, Research and Discovery, High-Impact Experience, Communication Beyond Carolina.
For students following the Making Connections General Education curriculum, this substitution list applies to the Foreign Language (FL) requirement. Courses used for substitution may not overlap with any other General Education requirements, as FL is a Foundations requirement.
Students may request an adjustment to which course(s) are being used as a substitution if they would prefer to retain a General Education credit the course is approved to fulfill which cannot overlap with substitution. They can do so by contacting the course evaluation coordinator in the Office of Undergraduate Curricula.
Each student is required to take 1–3 substitution courses. The number of courses required is based on course and placement credit already earned at the time of approval and will be stated in the student's approval letter.
Global Language Substitution List
Code | Title | Hours |
AAAD 201 | 3 | |
AAAD 421 | 3 | |
AMST 246 | Indigenous Storytelling: Oral, Written, and Visual Literatures of Native America | 3 |
ANTH/FOLK 130 | Anthropology of the Caribbean | 3 |
ANTH/LING 138 | Linguistic Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH/ENEC 191 | Peoples of Siberia | 3 |
ANTH 206 | American Indian Societies | 3 |
ANTH 232 | 3 | |
ANTH/ASIA 330 | 3 | |
ANTH/FOLK 340 | Southern Styles, Southern Cultures | 4 |
ANTH/FOLK/RELI 342 | African-American Religious Experience | 3 |
ANTH 343/AAAD 319/ARTH 353 | Africa and Masks | 3 |
ANTH 360 | Latin American Economy and Society | 3 |
ANTH 361 | Community in India and South Asia | 3 |
ANTH 406 | 3 | |
ANTH 454 | The Archaeology of African Diasporas | 3 |
ARAB 150 | 3 | |
ARAB 151 | 3 | |
ARAB 211 | 3 | |
ARAB/ANTH 214 | 3 | |
ARAB 255 | 3 | |
ARAB 337 | 3 | |
ARAB/ANTH 354 | 3 | |
ARAB/ANTH 432 | 3 | |
ARAB 434 | 3 | |
ARAB 453 | 3 | |
ASIA/WGST 127 | 3 | |
ASIA 150 | 3 | |
ASIA 152 | 3 | |
ASIA/WGST 167 | 3 | |
ASIA 211 | 3 | |
ASIA 229 | 3 | |
ASIA 231 | 3 | |
ASIA/CMPL 258 | 3 | |
ASIA/CMPL 261 | 3 | |
ASIA 262 | 3 | |
ASIA 350/AMST 352 | 3 | |
ASIA/JWST 358 | 3 | |
ASIA/CMPL 359 | 3 | |
ASIA/RELI 383 | 3 | |
ASIA/JWST/PWAD 425 | 3 | |
ASIA/PWAD 427/CMPL 527 | 3 | |
ASIA/PWAD 435/CMPL 535 | 3 | |
ASIA/JWST 436 | 3 | |
ASIA/CMPL 442 | 3 | |
ASIA 522 | 3 | |
CHIN 150 | 3 | |
CHIN 252 | 3 | |
CHIN/CMPL 238 | 3 | |
CHIN/CMPL 247 | 3 | |
CHIN 346 | 3 | |
CHIN 356 | 3 | |
CHIN 361 | 3 | |
CHIN 463 | 3 | |
CHIN 475 | 3 | |
CHIN 476 | 3 | |
CHIN/CMPL/WGST 480 | 3 | |
CHIN/CMPL 545 | 3 | |
CHIN 551 | 3 | |
CLAR 120 | 3 | |
CLAS 121 | 3 | |
CLAS 122 | 3 | |
CLAS 126 | Medical Word Formation and Etymology | 3 |
CLAS 131 | 3 | |
CLAS 263 | 3 | |
CMPL 120 | 3 | |
CMPL 122 | 3 | |
CMPL 123 | 3 | |
CMPL 124 | 3 | |
CMPL 130 | 3 | |
CMPL 454 | 3 | |
CMPL 470 | 3 | |
CMPL 472 | 3 | |
COMM 113 | 3 | |
COMM/MNGT 120 | 3 | |
COMM 160 | 3 | |
COMM/MNGT 223 | 3 | |
COMM/WGST 224 | Introduction to Gender and Communication H | 3 |
COMM 312 | Persuasion | 3 |
COMM/MNGT 325 | 3 | |
COMM 372 | The Rhetoric of Social Movements | 3 |
CZCH 280 | Closely Watched Trains: Czech Film and Literature | 3 |
CZCH 411 | Introduction to Czech Literature | 3 |
CZCH/CMPL 469 | 3 | |
DRAM 281 | 3 | |
DRAM 282 | 3 | |
DRAM 283 | 3 | |
DRAM 486 | 3 | |
DTCH 275 | 3 | |
ENGL 115 | 3 | |
ENGL 213 | Grammar of Current English | 3 |
ENGL 215 | English in the U.S.A. H | 3 |
ENGL 301 | 3 | |
ENGL 302 | 3 | |
ENGL 303 | 3 | |
ENGL 304 | 3 | |
ENGL 305 | 3 | |
FREN 186 | 3 | |
FREN 280 | 3 | |
FREN 285 | Sex, Philosophy, and Politics: Revolutionary Literature in Translation | 3 |
GEOG 59 | 3 | |
GEOG 64 | 3 | |
GEOG 259 | 3 | |
GEOG 266 | 3 | |
GEOG 457 | 3 | |
GEOG 458 | Urban Latin America: Politics, Economy, and Society | 3 |
GERM 210 | Getting Medieval: Knights, Violence, and Romance | 3 |
GERM 211 | Concepts in Medieval Culture | 3 |
GERM/WGST 220 | Women in the Middle Ages | 3 |
GERM/RELI 227 | 3 | |
GERM 245 | 3 | |
GERM 247 | 3 | |
GERM 249 | German Literature in Translation | 3 |
GERM/CMPL 263 | 3 | |
GERM 265 | 3 | |
GERM/CMPL 266 | 3 | |
GERM 268 | Auteur Cinema | 3 |
GERM/CMPL/WGST 271 | Women in German Cinema | 3 |
GERM/CMPL 272 | 3 | |
GERM/JWST 274 | 3 | |
GERM 278 | 3 | |
GERM 279 | 3 | |
GERM 281 | 3 | |
GERM/PWAD 283 | 3 | |
GERM 284 | Translations and Adaptations of German Pop Literature | 3 |
GERM 285 | Contemporary German Literature in Translation | 3 |
GERM 286 | 3 | |
GERM 416 | 3 | |
GERM 450 | Nietzsche, Hesse, and Mann | 3 |
GERM 467 | 3 | |
GERM 475 | 3 | |
GERM 555 | 3 | |
GERM/JWST 556 | 3 | |
GERM 560 | 3 | |
GERM/CMPL 579 | 3 | |
GSLL 50 | 3 | |
GSLL 51 | 3 | |
GSLL 52 | 3 | |
GSLL 53 | 3 | |
GSLL 54 | 3 | |
GSLL/JWST 56 | 3 | |
GSLL 59 | 3 | |
GSLL 60 | 3 | |
GSLL 67 | 3 | |
GSLL 68 | 3 | |
GSLL 69 | 3 | |
GSLL 70 | 3 | |
GSLL 75 | 3 | |
GSLL 76 | 3 | |
GSLL 80 | 3 | |
GSLL 83 | 3 | |
GSLL 84 | 3 | |
GSLL 85 | 3 | |
GSLL 86 | 3 | |
GSLL 87 | 3 | |
GSLL 88H | 3 | |
GSLL 212 | 3 | |
GSLL/RELI 218 | Christianity and Islam in the Middle Ages | 3 |
GSLL/JWST 225 | 3 | |
GSLL 254 | The Division of Germany, Reunification, and Conflict with Russia H | 3 |
GSLL 255 | Germany and Cold War: Occupation, Division, Reunification, Renewed Conflict with Russia (1945-Today) | 3 |
GSLL 259 | 3 | |
GSLL 260 | From Berlin to Budapest: Literature, Film, and Culture of Central Europe | 3 |
GSLL/JWST 268 | Cultural Trends in Post-Communist Central Europe: Search for Identity, Importance of Jewish Voices | 3 |
GSLL/CMPL 270/JWST 239/RELI 239 | German Culture and the Jewish Question | 3 |
GSLL 271 | Vampires and Empires | 3 |
GSLL 272 | Poland, Russia, and Germany through the Prism of Film | 3 |
GSLL 273 | 3 | |
GSLL 278 | Music, Image, Text | 3 |
GSLL 279 | A River Runs Through It: Cultural Geography Through Imaginative Literature | 3 |
GSLL 280 | The Dialectic of Whiteness and Blackness in Atlantic Cultures | 3 |
GSLL/CMPL 281 | Holocaust Cinema in Eastern Europe | 3 |
GSLL/AAAD 282 | Afropessimism in American and European Film | 3 |
GSLL 283 | Hungarian Cinema since World War II | 3 |
GSLL 285 | Dissent and Protest in Central Europe | 3 |
GSLL 286 | 3 | |
GSLL 287 | 3 | |
GSLL/JWST/PWAD 465 | Literature of Atrocity: The Gulag and the Holocaust in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe | 3 |
GSLL 481 | Grand Hotels and Empty Fields: Inventing Central Europe through Culture | 3 |
ITAL 241 | 3 | |
ITAL 242 | Italy and Modernity: Culture in a Changing Country | 3 |
JAPN 160 | 3 | |
JAPN 162 | 3 | |
JAPN 231/HIST 271 | 3 | |
JAPN 246/HIST 247 | 3 | |
JAPN 277 | 3 | |
JAPN 375 | 3 | |
JAPN 482 | 3 | |
KOR 150 | 3 | |
KOR 151 | 3 | |
KOR/CMPL 232 | 3 | |
KOR/CMPL/WGST 237 | 3 | |
KOR 327 | 3 | |
KOR 346/CMPL 246 | 3 | |
KOR 447/CMPL 547 | 3 | |
LTAM 101 | Introduction to Latin American Studies | 3 |
LTAM 314 | Law and Society in Latin America | 3 |
LTAM 350 | The United States and Latin America | 3 |
LING 101 | 3 | |
LING 165 | Exploring the World's Languages | 3 |
LING 202 | 3 | |
LING/ASIA 260 | 3 | |
LING/ANTH/WGST 302 | 3 | |
LING 304 | Introduction to Discourse | 3 |
LING 305 | 3 | |
LING/AAAD 335 | 3 | |
LING 427 | Morphology | 3 |
LING 558 | 3 | |
LING 560 | Mesoamerican Languages and Linguistics | 3 |
LING 561 | Native Languages of the Americas | 3 |
LING/RUSS 562 | Structure of Russian | 3 |
LING/JAPN 563 | 3 | |
LING 573 | Linguistic Field Methods I | 3 |
PHIL/LING 145 | 3 | |
PHIL 411 | 3 | |
PHIL 412 | 3 | |
PHIL 423 | 3 | |
PHIL 424 | 3 | |
PHIL 426 | 3 | |
PLSH 280 | The Modern Cinema of Poland | 3 |
PLSH 411 | 19th-Century Polish Literature and Culture | 3 |
PLSH/JWST 412 | From Communism to Capitalism: 20th- and 21st-Century Polish Literature and Culture | 3 |
POLI 270 | 3 | |
PORT 316 | 3 | |
PORT 370 | 3 | |
PORT 375 | 3 | |
PORT 382 | 3 | |
PORT 385 | 3 | |
PORT 387 | 3 | |
PORT 388 | 3 | |
PSYC 58 | 3 | |
PSYC 432 | Psychology of Language | 3 |
PSYC 438 | 3 | |
RELI/JWST 211 | 3 | |
ROML 229 | Literature in the Romance Languages H | 3 |
RUSS 270 | 3 | |
RUSS 275 | Russian Fairy Tale | 3 |
RUSS 276 | 3 | |
RUSS 277 | 3 | |
RUSS 278 | 3 | |
RUSS 279 | 3 | |
RUSS 280 | 3 | |
RUSS/CMPL 282 | 3 | |
RUSS 445 | 3 | |
RUSS 450 | The Russian Absurd: Text, Stage, Screen | 3 |
RUSS 455 | 3 | |
RUSS 464 | 3 | |
RUSS 465 | 3 | |
RUSS 471 | Gogol | 3 |
RUSS 477 | 3 | |
RUSS 479 | 3 | |
RUSS/JWST 480 | 3 | |
RUSS/EURO/WGST 486 | 3 | |
SLAV 248 | Childhood and Adolescence in Slavic Literature H | 3 |
SLAV 277 | 3 | |
SLAV/JWST 464 | Imagined Jews: Jewish Themes in Polish and Russian Literature | 3 |
SLAV/JWST 469 | Coming to America: The Slavic Immigrant Experience in Literature | 3 |
SLAV 470 | 20th-Century Russian and Polish Theater | 3 |
SPAN 170 | 3 | |
SPHS 401 | American Sign Language I | 3 |
SPHS 402 | American Sign Language II | 3 |
SPHS 530 | Introduction to Phonetics | 3 |
SPHS 540 | Speech Science | 3 |
H | Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply. |
F | FY-Launch class sections may be available. A FY-Launch section fulfills the same requirements as a standard section of that course, but also fulfills the FY-SEMINAR/FY-LAUNCH First-Year Foundations requirement. Students can search for FY-Launch sections in ConnectCarolina using the FY-LAUNCH attribute. |
- 1
Course renumbered effective fall 2024.
Additional Course Lists for Making Connections Quantitative Substitution Approved Students
Quantitative Intensive (QI) Course List
Code | Title | Hours |
ANTH 411 | 3 | |
ANTH 680 | 3 | |
ASTR 63 | 3 | |
ASTR 390 | Research and Special Topics for Juniors and Seniors | 1-12 |
BIOL 201 | Ecology and Evolution H | 4 |
BIOL 226 | Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Biology | 3 |
BIOL 534 | Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences | 3 |
BIOL 553 | Mathematical and Computational Models in Biology | 3 |
COMP 50 | 3 | |
COMP 60 | 3 | |
COMP 665 | Images, Graphics, and Vision | 3 |
ECON 400 | 4 | |
ECON 470 | 3 | |
ECON 485 | Economics of Sports | 3 |
ECON 550 | 3 | |
ECON 575 | Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting | 3 |
EMES 51 | 3 | |
EMES 203 | 3 | |
EMES 435 | Principles of Environmental Consulting: Mechanics of Groundwater Flow | 3 |
EMES 436 | Geochemistry of Natural Waters | 3 |
EMES 460 | Fluid Dynamics of the Environment | 3 |
EMES 470 | Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science | 4 |
EMES 561 | Time Series and Spatial Data Analysis | 3 |
EMES 655 | Recent Advances in Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Geochemistry | 3 |
ENEC 222 | Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science | 4 |
ENEC 435 | Principles of Environmental Consulting: Mechanics of Groundwater Flow | 3 |
ENEC 473 | 3 | |
ENVR 205 | Engineering Tools for Environmental Problem Solving | 3 |
EURO 285 | Applied Experimental Research: Politics in the US and Europe | 3 |
EXSS 273 | 3 | |
GEOG 215 | 3 | |
GEOG 410 | 3 | |
GEOG 567 | 3 | |
LING 333 | 3 | |
LING 540 | 3 | |
MATH 51 | 3 | |
MATH 62 | 3 | |
MATH 65 | 3 | |
MATH 68 | 3 | |
MATH 69 | 3 | |
MATH 70 | 3 | |
MATH 232 | 4 | |
MATH 233 | 4 | |
MATH 307 | Revisiting Real Numbers and Algebra | 3 |
MATH 347 | Linear Algebra for Applications | 3 |
MATH 381 | Discrete Mathematics H | 3 |
MATH 383 | First Course in Differential Equations H | 3 |
MATH 521 | Advanced Calculus I H | 3 |
MATH 522 | Advanced Calculus II H | 3 |
MATH 523 | Functions of a Complex Variable with Applications | 3 |
MATH 524 | Elementary Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 528 | Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences I | 3 |
MATH 529 | Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences II | 3 |
MATH 533 | Elementary Theory of Numbers | 3 |
MATH 534 | Elements of Modern Algebra | 3 |
MATH 535 | Introduction to Probability | 3 |
MATH 548 | Combinatorial Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 550 | Topology | 3 |
MATH 551 | Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries | 3 |
MATH 553 | Mathematical and Computational Models in Biology | 3 |
MATH 555 | Introduction to Dynamics | 3 |
MATH 564 | Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences | 3 |
MATH 566 | Introduction to Numerical Analysis | 3 |
MATH 577 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH 578 | Algebraic Structures | 3 |
MEJO 379 | 3 | |
MEJO 570 | 3 | |
MUSC 131 | Tonal Theory I H | 3 |
PHIL 65 | 3 | |
PHIL 355 | Intermediate Mathematical Logic | 3 |
PHIL 357 | 3 | |
PHIL 456 | 3 | |
PHYS 55 | 4 | |
PHYS 63 | 3 | |
PHYS 114 | 4 | |
PHYS 115 | 4 | |
PHYS 118 | 4 | |
PHYS 119 | 4 | |
PHYS 131 | Energy: Physical Principles and the Quest for Alternatives to Dwindling Oil and Gas | 3 |
PLCY 460 | 4 | |
POLI 209 | 3 | |
POLI 281 | 3 | |
POLI 285 | Applied Experimental Research: Politics in the US and Europe | 3 |
POLI 287 | 3 | |
POLI 288 | 3 | |
POLI 381 | Data in Politics II: Frontiers and Applications | 3 |
POLI 417 | 3 | |
POLI 488 | Game Theory | 3 |
PSYC 210 | 3 | |
PSYC 310 | Applied Statistical Methods in the Psychological Sciences | 3 |
PSYC 525 | Psychological Archival Data Science | 3 |
PSYC 528 | 3 | |
PSYC 530 | Design and Interpretation of Psychological Research | 3 |
PSYC 531 | Tests and Measurement | 3 |
PSYC 534 | Introduction to Computational Statistics | 3 |
PSYC 535 | 3 | |
PWAD 287 | 3 | |
SOCI 252 | 3 | |
STOR 52 | 3 | |
STOR 53 | 3 | |
STOR 54 | 3 | |
STOR 55 | 3 | |
STOR 56 | 3 | |
STOR 60 | 3 | |
STOR 61 | 3 | |
STOR 62 | 3 | |
STOR 63 | 3 | |
STOR 64 | 3 | |
STOR 66 | 3 | |
STOR 72 | 3 | |
STOR 305 | 3 | |
STOR 320 | 4 | |
STOR 435 | Introduction to Probability | 3 |
STOR 471 | Long-Term Actuarial Models | 3 |
H | Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply. |
Focus Capacity: Quantitative Reasoning (FC-QUANT) Course List
Code | Title | Hours |
ANTH 520 | 3 | |
ANTH 680 | 3 | |
ASTR 100 | 3 | |
ASTR 101 | 3 | |
ASTR 102 | 3 | |
ASTR 103 | 3 | |
BIOL 75 | 3 | |
BIOL 115 | 3 | |
BIOL 222 | 3 | |
BIOL 465 | 3 | |
BIOL 544L | 3 | |
CLAR 270 | 3 | |
COMP 110 | 3 | |
COMP 283 | 3 | |
COMP 550 | 3 | |
DATA 110 | 3 | |
ECON 400 | 4 | |
ECON 445 | 3 | |
ECON 470 | 3 | |
ECON 571 | 3 | |
EMES 203 | 3 | |
ENEC 203 | 3 | |
ENEC 465 | 3 | |
ENEC 473 | 3 | |
ENGL 482 | 3 | |
ENVR 135 | 3 | |
ENVR 335 | 3 | |
GEOG 215 | 3 | |
GEOG 370 | 3 | |
GEOG 410 | 3 | |
GEOG 456 | 3 | |
GEOG 477 | 3 | |
GEOG 567 | 3 | |
GEOG 577 | 3 | |
GEOG 591 | 3 | |
GEOG 592 | 3 | |
LING 333 | 3 | |
LING 401 | 3 | |
LING 520 | 3 | |
LING 540 | 3 | |
LING 558 | 3 | |
MATH 115 | 3 | |
MATH 116 | 3 | |
MATH 117 | 3 | |
MATH 118 | 3 | |
MATH 119 | 3 | |
MATH 130 | 3 | |
MATH 152 | 3 | |
MATH 210 | 3 | |
MATH 231 | 4 | |
MATH 232 | 4 | |
MATH 233 | 4 | |
MATH 235 | 4 | |
MEJO 379 | 3 | |
MEJO 479 | 3 | |
MEJO 570 | 3 | |
NAVS 301 | 3 | |
NAVS 302 | 3 | |
NSCI 419 | 3 | |
PHIL 105 | 3 | |
PHIL 155 | 3 | |
PHIL 157 | 3 | |
PHIL 251 | 3 | |
PHIL 357 | 3 | |
PHIL 455 | 3 | |
PHIL 456 | 3 | |
PHYS 55 | 4 | |
PHYS 101 | 4 | |
PHYS 114 | 4 | |
PHYS 115 | 4 | |
PHYS 118 | 4 | |
PHYS 119 | 4 | |
PHYS 231 | 4 | |
PLAN 363 | 3 | |
PLAN 364 | 3 | |
PLCY 460 | 4 | |
PLCY 505 | 4 | |
POLI 209 | 3 | |
POLI 281 | 3 | |
POLI 287 | 3 | |
POLI 288 | 3 | |
POLI 439 | 3 | |
PSYC 115 | 3 | |
PSYC 210 | 3 | |
PSYC 535 | 3 | |
PWAD 287 | 3 | |
SOCI 180 | 3 | |
SOCI 251 | 3 | |
SOCI 252 | 3 | |
STOR 113 | 3 | |
STOR 115 | 3 | |
STOR 120 | 4 | |
STOR 151 | 3 | |
STOR 155 | 3 | |
STOR 215 | 3 | |
STOR 235 | 4 | |
STOR 305 | 3 | |
STOR 315 | 4 | |
STOR 320 | 4 |
H | Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply. |