Urban Studies and Planning Minor

City and regional planning is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to improve the quality of life for people in human settlements. Planners are involved in designing solutions to pressing societal problems such as urban sprawl, unemployment, homelessness, environmental pollution, and urban decay. They are involved in guiding the type and location of new development, creating balanced transportation systems (including walking and biking), promoting economic development for all residents, protecting the environment, expanding affordable housing, and revitalizing urban neighborhoods. 

City and regional planners are hired by national, state, and local governments; national, regional, and local nonprofit groups; and private sector firms including development companies and consulting firms.

A minor in urban studies and planning allows students to learn about cities and planning processes, to enrich or expand their major, and to explore how they can be involved in improving the prosperity, livability, and equity of cities, towns, and regions. Having a minor in urban studies and planning can help students in the job market, as it teaches skills valued by many employers. It can also help students explore the possibility of pursuing a master's degree in planning, including a dual bachelor's-master's at UNC–Chapel Hill.


In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must:

  • take at least nine hours of their minor "core" requirements at UNC–Chapel Hill
  • earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the minor core requirements. Some programs may require higher standards for minor or specific courses.

For more information, please consult the degree requirements section of the catalog.

Core Requirements
PLAN 246IDEAs in Action General Education logo Cities of the Past, Present, and Future: Introduction to Planning3
PLAN 247IDEAs in Action General Education logo Solving Urban Problems3
Select three additional PLAN courses numbered 100 through 699. 19
Total Hours15

Students can also choose from PLAN courses at the 700- and 800-levels with instructor permission.

City and Regional Planning (PLAN) course list.

Department of City and Regional Planning

Visit Program Website

New East Building, CB# 3140

(919) 962-3983

Director, Program on Chinese Cities

Yan Song


Associate Chair, Director of the Master's Program

Andrew Whittemore


Chair, Director of the Ph.D. Program

Todd BenDor


Director of Undergraduate Studies

Matthew Palm


Student Services Manager

Sarah Ward


Associate Director of Graduate Programs

Sandra Lazo de la Vega
