Nursing Major, B.S.N.
Courses in the nursing major are taken at the upper-division level. The courses build on a strong foundation in the sciences and humanities to develop the knowledge and skills needed to practice nursing in contemporary society. Clinical experiences take place in a broad variety of settings that reflect current patterns of health care delivery and provide opportunities for students to develop competence in empathetic care, critical thinking, technical skills, clinical judgment and decision making, interdisciplinary collaboration, and management of care.
Admission to the program is required.
Program of Study
The School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers an undergraduate program of study designed to provide students with the knowledge, skill, and understanding necessary to function effectively in all areas of professional nursing. The curriculum leading to the bachelor of science in nursing (B.S.N.) degree offers three options for study:
- Two years of upper-division courses in the School of Nursing, which follow two years of lower-division courses in the General College (or equivalent courses completed at another college/university)
- An accelerated second degree option for students with a previous bachelor’s degree (A.B.S.N. Option).
- Military Pathway option for armed forces veterans and active duty service members from any branch, including past service in the Reserves or National Guard. See School of Nursing website for additional details.
Students are subject to the requirements in place when they are admitted to the School of Nursing. Students admitted in prior years followed previous plans of study in the catalog year in which they were admitted to the School of Nursing.
Critical Information for ALL Nursing Students
Essential Standards for Admission, Progression, and Graduation
The curricula leading to degrees in nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing require students to engage in diverse and complex experiences directed at the acquisition and practice of essential nursing skills and functions. Unique combinations of cognitive, affective, psychomotor, physical, and social abilities are required to perform these functions satisfactorily. In addition to being essential to the successful completion of the requirements of a nursing degree, these skills and functions are necessary to ensure the health and safety of patients, fellow students, faculty members, and other health care providers.
The Essential Standards document describes the nonacademic qualifications, required in addition to academic qualifications, which the school considers critical for entrance to, continuation in, and graduation from a UNC–Chapel Hill School of Nursing degree program. Candidates for nursing degrees, with the exception noted for selected graduate programs, must be able to meet these minimum standards, with or without reasonable accommodation, for successful completion of degree requirements. Refer to the school’s website for additional information.
Professional Risk
The practice of nursing involves the care of individuals who are ill or injured. Communicable diseases are common in health care delivery settings and may be a threat to nursing students. During the performance of clinical practice/research activities, a student may have contact with patients/subjects with COVID-19 and variants, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and other infections. Such contact, although rare when proper preventive measures are used, may result in a student’s being exposed to infectious agents and/or transmitting an infectious disease to other students, faculty members, patients, family members, and subjects. During pregnancy, the fetus may be at risk. Students enrolled in the School of Nursing at UNC–Chapel Hill are expected to provide care to patients who may have known or unknown communicable diseases. Application to and acceptance of an offer from the School of Nursing indicates a student’s understanding of related professional risks.
Fitness for Practice
All students admitted to the School of Nursing are required by the North Carolina Board of Nursing to provide documentation of their fitness to provide safe nursing care to the public. Failure to provide requisite documentation will result in the withdrawal of the admission offer. Additionally, North Carolina law requires incoming students to present to the University, before the first day of enrollment, evidence verifying that the student has received all required immunizations.
Further, federal and state statutory regulations and clinical affiliate contractual mandates require that nursing students demonstrate particular cognitive and clinical competencies consistent with minimum professional practice standards. Students must attain and maintain full compliance with all such requirements. The school also requires students to undergo, at the student’s expense, a 12-panel urine drug screen and a criminal history database check following admission acceptance. The check covers all addresses where the student has lived, worked, or attended an educational institution in the past seven years or since the 16th birthday, whichever is less. Database checks will address all criminal charges, felony and misdemeanor level convictions (except minor traffic related violations), and the Sexual Offender/Predator Registry for all states in which the student has lived. Reports are shared with clinical agencies that require that all charges be resolved prior to the start of clinical practice. Clinical agencies may impose additional requirements at their discretion, which must be completed at the student's expense. Questions about these requirements may be directed to the Clinical Support Division.
Disability Statement
Consistent with its mission and philosophy, the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to providing educational opportunities to students with disabilities. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the school provides reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified students with disabilities. The decision regarding appropriate accommodations will be based on the specifics of each case.
Students who seek reasonable accommodations for disabilities must contact the Office of Accessibility Resources & Service ([919] 962-8300). Staff in this office will determine a student’s eligibility for, and recommend, appropriate accommodations and services.
Computer Requirements
All School of Nursing students are required to use e-mail for conveying course/clinical/research/other school-related business. All e-mail communication regarding School of Nursing matters must utilize the student’s University e-mail address only. The use of external e-mail services is not permitted. School of Nursing courses use the Sakai learning management system, which requires frequent reliable access to Internet resources. For both these reasons, easy access to personal computers and the Web are imperative. The School of Nursing provides a PC laboratory solely for the use of undergraduate students, and students may also access PC laboratory facilities elsewhere on campus.
All B.S.N. and A.B.S.N. option students are required to have a laptop computer that meets the minimum requirements specified for the preloaded laptop computers available through the University’s Carolina Computing Initiative (CCI) program. Choosing a vendor for the laptop purchase is the student’s prerogative; however, it is important to note that the University provides “software and operating system support for non-CCI laptops on a best-effort basis. Hardware support for non-CCI laptops is the responsibility of the owner” (source: In addition to the computer itself, students must have an internet service provider (ISP) and an account for a high-speed access service.
Of note: the School of Nursing uses ExamSoft for testing. Students are required to purchase this program and ensure computer compatibility with the program.
Vehicular Requirements
Because of the broad scope of clinical facilities and locations, undergraduate nursing students must have access to a car. For information about the North Carolina requirements for automobile liability insurance, vehicle registration, and operator’s license, write to the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, Raleigh, N.C. 27602. Students and/or parents are responsible for maintaining appropriate insurance coverage. Some insurance companies may consider such travel as “business driving.” Expenses for travel are the responsibility of the student.
Registered Nurse Licensure Examination Requirements
The North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON) requires all graduates of the School of Nursing who apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to undergo a routine criminal background check, which necessitates submission of a complete set of fingerprints with the NCLEX application. A Social Security Number is required for the licensure application to the NCBON.
New Student Orientation
All newly admitted undergraduate students are required to attend a mandatory orientation session prior to the start of courses during their first semester. To determine when classes begin, view the University’s academic calendar. UNC–Chapel Hill students who are studying abroad in the spring semester prior to matriculation should ensure their study abroad program will allow them to return to Chapel Hill prior to the new student orientation.
Student Learning Outcomes
The student learning outcomes described in this catalog apply to students admitted to the School of Nursing during the 2019–2020 academic year and beyond. Students admitted in prior years will be held to the expectations of the student learning outcomes in the catalog year in which they were admitted to the School of Nursing.
The B.S.N. program prepares graduates as nurse generalists to:
Demonstrate care for individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations in a culturally responsive manner. Culturally responsive care includes the intersection of cultural humility and sensitivity, determinants of health, and individuality to promote health equity. {Diversity and Inclusion}
Exhibit professional values reflective of ethical principles, consistent with the nursing code of ethics and the scope and standards of professional nursing practice. {Ethics}
Develop global health knowledge and skills to engage in solutions to improve health equity in North Carolina and around the world. {Global Health}
Contribute to the development and implementation of innovations to improve health outcomes. Health innovations can be promotive, preventive, protective, and/or restorative. {Health Innovations}
Use informatics to communicate, support clinical decision-making and patient education, and enhance the quality and safety of care. {Informatics}
Exhibit patient advocacy, appraise and apply evidence, and evaluate policy within an ever-changing healthcare environment. {Leadership}
Identify the needs of populations and implement interventions with other members of the healthcare team that are expected to promote optimal health, prevent disease, and improve health equity across diverse settings. {Population Health}
Contribute to a culture of safety and quality improvement by delivering evidence-based, patient-centered care within intra and interprofessional teams. {Quality and Safety}
Demonstrate empathy for, connection to, and being with the patient. This requires a balance between knowledge, skills, professional confidence, maturity, and compassion towards ourselves, our colleagues, patients and families based in the principles of relationship-centered care. {Relationship-Centered Care}
Use the research process to appraise and apply evidence with clinical knowledge to maintain a scientifically sound practice. {Research}
Present written and verbal ideas in a logical and cohesive manner to effectively share evidence of best practice. {Scholarly Communication and Writing}
Requirements of the Major
A.B.S.N. and B.S.N. Options
Students are admitted to the baccalaureate nursing program at the upper-division level. All lower-division courses must be completed before beginning nursing courses; see the admission criteria and prerequiste information in the Catalog.
Students are subject to the requirements in place when they are admitted to the School of Nursing; consequently, the requirements described in this catalog particularly apply to students admitted to the School of Nursing during the 2019–2020 academic year and beyond. Students admitted in prior years will follow the plans of study in the catalog year in which they were admitted to the School of Nursing.
Code | Title | Hours |
Core Requirements | ||
NURS 301 | 3 | |
NURS 302 | 3 | |
NURS 310 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment I: On Campus Clinical I | 2 |
NURS 311 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment II: On Campus Clinical II | 2 |
NURS 330 | Nursing Care of Adults I | 4 |
NURS 351 | Pathophysiology/Pharmacology Across the Lifespan I | 3 |
NURS 352 | Pathophysiology/Pharmacology Across the Lifespan II | 3 |
NURS 384 | Family Focused Genomic Health Care | 1 |
NURS 401 | Integrating Principles of Leadership, Quality and Safety, and Informatics into Nursing Practice | 3 |
NURS 402 | Foundations of Population Health and Global Health: Carolina Core IV | 2 |
NURS 410 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment III: On Campus Clinical III | 2 |
NURS 411 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment IV: On Campus Clinical IV | 2 |
NURS 430 | Nursing Care of Adults II | 5 |
NURS 481 | Mental Health Promotion and Psychiatric Care Across Populations and Settings | 4 |
NURS 482 | Reproductive Health and Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family | 4 |
NURS 483 | Family-Centered Nursing Care from Birth through Adolescence | 4 |
NURS 484 | Public Health Nursing in Community Settings | 4 |
NURS 697 | 6 | |
NURS--- | Required NURS elective 1 | 3 |
Total Hours | 60 |
- 1
A total of 3 hours of NURS elective is required. This may be a single course, or multiple NURS courses that total at least 3 hours. NURS electives may be taken in any semester.
Plans of Study
B.S.N. Option Plan of Study (Five Semesters)
Course plan for August matriculation.
Code | Title | Hours |
Fall | ||
NURS 301 | 3 | |
NURS 310 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment I: On Campus Clinical I | 2 |
NURS 330 | Nursing Care of Adults I | 4 |
NURS 351 | Pathophysiology/Pharmacology Across the Lifespan I | 3 |
NURS 384 | Family Focused Genomic Health Care | 1 |
Spring | ||
NURS 302 | 3 | |
NURS 311 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment II: On Campus Clinical II | 2 |
NURS 352 | Pathophysiology/Pharmacology Across the Lifespan II | 3 |
NURS 481 | Mental Health Promotion and Psychiatric Care Across Populations and Settings | 4 |
Summer | ||
NURS 430 | Nursing Care of Adults II | 5 |
NURS 482 | Reproductive Health and Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family | 4 |
Fall | ||
NURS 401 | Integrating Principles of Leadership, Quality and Safety, and Informatics into Nursing Practice | 3 |
NURS 410 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment III: On Campus Clinical III | 2 |
NURS 483 | Family-Centered Nursing Care from Birth through Adolescence | 4 |
NURS 484 | Public Health Nursing in Community Settings | 4 |
Spring | ||
NURS 402 | Foundations of Population Health and Global Health: Carolina Core IV | 2 |
NURS 411 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment IV: On Campus Clinical IV | 2 |
NURS 697 | 6 | |
Required NURS elective 1 | 3 | |
Total Hours | 60 |
- 1
A total of 3 hours of NURS elective is required. This may be a single course, or multiple NURS courses that total at least 3 hours. NURS electives may be taken in any semester.
A.B.S. N. Option Plan of Study (Four Semesters)
Course plan for May matriculation.
Code | Title | Hours |
Summer | ||
NURS 301 | 3 | |
NURS 310 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment I: On Campus Clinical I | 2 |
NURS 330 | Nursing Care of Adults I | 4 |
NURS 351 | Pathophysiology/Pharmacology Across the Lifespan I | 3 |
NURS 384 | Family Focused Genomic Health Care | 1 |
Fall | ||
NURS 302 | 3 | |
NURS 311 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment II: On Campus Clinical II | 2 |
NURS 352 | Pathophysiology/Pharmacology Across the Lifespan II | 3 |
NURS 481 | Mental Health Promotion and Psychiatric Care Across Populations and Settings | 4 |
NURS 482 | Reproductive Health and Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family | 4 |
Spring | ||
NURS 401 | Integrating Principles of Leadership, Quality and Safety, and Informatics into Nursing Practice | 3 |
NURS 410 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment III: On Campus Clinical III | 2 |
NURS 430 | Nursing Care of Adults II | 5 |
NURS 483 | Family-Centered Nursing Care from Birth through Adolescence | 4 |
NURS 484 | Public Health Nursing in Community Settings | 4 |
NURS 402 | Foundations of Population Health and Global Health: Carolina Core IV | 2 |
NURS 411 | Clinical Nursing Skills and Health Assessment IV: On Campus Clinical IV | 2 |
NURS 697 | 6 | |
Required NURS elective 1 | 3 | |
Total Hours | 60 |
- 1
A total of 3 hours of NURS elective is required. This may be a single course, or multiple NURS courses that total at least 3 hours. NURS electives may be taken in any semester.
Military Option
Individual plans of study will be developed for each admitted student.
Special Opportunities in Nursing
Hillman Scholars Program in Nursing Innovation
UNC–Chapel Hill School of Nursing is one of only two schools nationally that has been awarded renewal funding for the Hillman Scholars Program in Nursing Innovation grant. The program’s primary goal is to create a new cadre of nurse scientists and leaders who will design innovative solutions for health care delivery. This highly competitive program is open to new undergraduate tudents and provides a pathway for students to earn their B.S.N. and Ph.D. in five to six years. At least four academically talented nursing students will be admitted to the program each year and receive financial and enhanced mentoring support to facilitate their progress towards the Ph.D. By completing a Ph.D. early in their career, Hillman Scholars will have a longer time to influence patient care through leadership, innovation, and research in academic and clinical settings.
Departmental Involvement
Students are encouraged to participate in student leadership opportunities. These include the elected class governance system, the Dean’s Student Advisory Council, the Association of Nursing Students (the only pre-professional nursing organization available), the Student Health Action Coalition, and a variety of special interest groups.
Experiential Education
The nursing program requires extensive direct clinical practice in a variety of acute care, chronic care, and community-based settings considered essential for the preparation of competent practitioners. Clinical contact time varies by study option and course.
Financial Aid
Students granted admission to the School of Nursing seeking the baccalaureate degree at UNC–Chapel Hill may be considered for a variety of nursing-specific scholarships and other financial aid opportunities. For assistance, contact the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid by phone at (919) 962-8396 or through the Web at, or call the Office of Students Affairs at (919) 966-4260.
Study Abroad
Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of study abroad options offered through elective courses.Opportunities vary each academic year.
Undergraduate Awards
During the final semester of study, high achieving students (GPA > 3.5) in each option will be invited to membership in Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society. The George Livas Award recognizes the graduating student who most clearly demonstrates academic excellence and leadership.
Undergraduate Research
Through the honors program the University and the School of Nursing recognize undergraduates who have demonstrated exceptional academic ability and independent work in their major. Qualified and interested students in their last two semesters of study will be paired with a faculty advisor who guides the student in an independent study honors project. The Associate Dean for the undergraduate program supervises the honors program. Students participating in the honors program must have a cumulative University grade point average that meets University requirements. In addition, students must have and maintain a 3.4 cumulative nursing grade point average. Calculation of the cumulative grade point average is based solely on the required hours earned to date for the nursing degree. Grade point averages are not rounded. The student and honors advisor work together to develop a plan for the project, and the student must register for NURS 691H and NURS 692H. Each honors course carries three hours of credit and is assigned a letter grade by the advisor. A student’s project must show evidence of independent, creative, abstract, analytical, and critical thinking.