Environmental Justice Minor

The minor in Environmental Justice (EJ) focuses on the intersections of inequity, the environment, and justice. The minor introduces the field’s historical foundations in scholarship on race, inequity, and social movements with of focus on their relation to environmental concerns and provides an overview of environmental justice movement work and literature from local to global scales. The goal of the minor is to provide a starting-point for understanding the meaning, significance, and potential of environmental justice as a field of action and inquiry in relation to questions of development and social difference, and in various geographic contexts. Students who complete the minor will engage with an interdisciplinary curriculum that emphasizes intersecting ideas about landscapes, ecosystems, and environmental health with questions of race, economic production, and power inequities. Students will also use geographic approaches to space, place, and scale to conceptualize, contextualize, and analyze a wide range of environmental justice related topics, and learn about tools and political processes that can be used to address environmental justice concerns. Relevant topics include, for example, the uneven social experiences with food, water, health and land access; exposures to pollution; risks to health and wellbeing; infrastructural inequities; resource extraction; colonization; and climate change.

Required courses provide an introduction to EJ and build insight into how different people, in different contexts, have looked to environmental justice framing and practices for inspiration in social and community movements, justice-oriented governance, formal state and inter-state regulatory bodies, and planning for environmental change.


In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must:

  • take at least nine hours of their minor "core" requirements at UNC–Chapel Hill
  • earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the minor core requirements. Some programs may require higher standards for minor or specific courses.

For more information, please consult the degree requirements section of the catalog.

A minimum of 4 courses (12 credit hours) is required to complete the minor. 

Core Requirements
GEOG 240Introduction to Environmental Justice3
GEOG 435IDEAs in Action General Education logo Global Environmental Justice3
One elective course from List One (see below)3
One elective course from either List One or List Two (see below)3
Total Hours12

List One

GEOG 125Cultural Landscapes3
GEOG 232IDEAs in Action General Education logo Agriculture, Food, and Society3
GEOG 259IDEAs in Action General Education logo Society and Environment in Latin America3
GEOG 262Geography of North Carolina3
GEOG 266IDEAs in Action General Education logo Society and Environment in Southeast Asia3
GEOG 281Ethnographies of Globalization: From 'Culture' to Decolonization3
GEOG 414IDEAs in Action General Education logo Climate Change3
GEOG 436Governance, Institutions, and Global Environmental Change3
GEOG 437IDEAs in Action General Education logo Social Vulnerability to Climate Change3
GEOG 446Geography of Health Care Delivery3
GEOG 451IDEAs in Action General Education logo Population, Development, and the Environment3
GEOG 457IDEAs in Action General Education logo Rural Latin America: Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources H3
GEOG 470IDEAs in Action General Education logo Political Ecology: Geographical Perspectives3
GEOG 480Liberation Geographies3
GEOG 542Neighborhoods and Health3
ANTH 335The Commons, Ecology, and Human Futures3
ANTH 439IDEAs in Action General Education logo Political Ecology3
ANTH 446Poverty, Inequality, and Health3
ANTH 539IDEAs in Action General Education logo Environmental Justice3
ANTH 540Planetary Crises and Ecological and Cultural Transitions3
PHIL 273IDEAs in Action General Education logo Justice, Rights, and the Common Good: Philosophical Perspectives on Social and Economic Issues H3
PHIL 274IDEAs in Action General Education logo Race, Racism, and Social Justice: African-American Political Philosophy H3
PHIL/ENEC 368IDEAs in Action General Education logo Living Things, Wilderness, and Ecosystems: An Introduction to Environmental Ethics3
SOCI 122IDEAs in Action General Education logo Race and Ethnicity3
SOCI 421Environmental Sociology3

Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.

List Two

AAAD/POLI 333IDEAs in Action General Education logo Race and Public Policy in the United States3
ANTH/ENEC 237IDEAs in Action General Education logo Food, Environment, and Sustainability3
ANTH 306Water and Inequality: Anthropological Perspectives3
COMM 375Environmental Advocacy3
ENEC 325IDEAs in Action General Education logo Water Resource Management and Human Rights H3-4
ENEC 309Environmental Values and Valuation3
ENEC 350IDEAs in Action General Education logo Environmental Law and Policy3
MEJO 560Environmental and Science Journalism H3
MEJO 562Environmental and Science Documentary Television3
HIST 235IDEAs in Action General Education logo Native America in the 20th Century3
HIST 241IDEAs in Action General Education logo History of Latinos in the United States3
HIST 273IDEAs in Action General Education logo Water, Conflict, and Connection in the Middle East3
HIST 382IDEAs in Action General Education logo The History of the Civil Rights Movement H3
PHIL 280IDEAs in Action General Education logo Morality, Law, and Justice: Issues in Legal Philosophy H3
PHIL 364IDEAs in Action General Education logo Ethics and Economics3
SOCI 411Social Movements3

Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.

See the program page here for special opportunities.

Department of Geography and Environment

Visit Program Website

205 Carolina Hall, CB# 3220

(919) 962-8901


Conghe Song


Director of Undergraduate Studies

Shorna Allred


Undergraduate Program Administrator

Nell Phillips
