Data Science Minor


The data science minor at Carolina is a multidisciplinary program launched in fall 2021 and offered by the College of Arts & Sciences. The minor has been designed to introduce students from any discipline to data science methods and applications, while simultaneously providing opportunities to explore its complex interactions with modern society. To achieve these goals, the minor is structured to allow students to choose their coursework from many different departments, encouraging them to explore the use of data science within their main field of study. 

To satisfy the core requirements, a student must choose one course from each of the three categories: 

Data and Computational Thinking

This core requirement will provide you with an introduction to the computing tools and coding methods needed to gather, manipulate, visualize, and analyze data. Taught in Python and/or R.

Data and Statistical Thinking

This core requirement will provide you with an introduction to data-driven statistical analysis, focusing on a hands-on approach to making inferences and predictions to learn from data. Taught in Python and/or R.

Data, Culture, and Society 

This core requirement focuses on the social, political, cultural, and/or ethical dimensions of data.

In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must:

  • take at least nine hours of their minor "core" requirements at UNC–Chapel Hill
  • earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the minor core requirements. Some programs may require higher standards for minor or specific courses.

For more information, please consult the degree requirements section of the catalog.

Core Requirements
Data and Computational Thinking (one course)3
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Introduction to Programming and Data Science H
Introduction to Scientific Programming
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Introduction to Spatial Data Science
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Data in Politics I: An Introduction
Data and Statistical Thinking (one course)3-4
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Making Sense of Big Data: Textual Analysis with R
Computational Sociology
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Foundations of Statistics and Data Science F
Data, Culture, and Society (one course)3
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Quantifying the Past: Big Data and Big Questions in Classical Archaeology
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Technology, Ethics, & Culture H
Maps: Geographic Information from Babylon to Google
IDEAs in Action General Education logo The Rhetoric of Data
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Algorithms and Society
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Geography for Future Leaders
Seminar on The Ethics and Politics of New Urban Analytics (Previously offered as PLAN 673)
IDEAs in Action General Education logo Analyzing Public Opinion H
Two additional elective courses from the list below 16-8
Total Hours15-18

Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.


FY-Launch class sections may be available. A FY-Launch section fulfills the same requirements as a standard section of that course, but also fulfills the FY-SEMINAR/FY-LAUNCH First-Year Foundations requirement. Students can search for FY-Launch sections in ConnectCarolina using the FY-LAUNCH attribute.


Core courses may not be used to satisfy elective requirements. 

 Elective List

ANTH 419Anthropological Application of GIS3
ANTH/LING 520IDEAs in Action General Education logo Linguistic Phonetics3
ANTH 680IDEAs in Action General Education logo Quantitative Methods in Archaeology3
ASTR 502IDEAs in Action General Education logo Modern Research in Astrophysics3
ASTR 519IDEAs in Action General Education logo Observational Astronomy4
BCB/COMP 555Bioalgorithms3
BIOL 525
Analysis and Interpretation of Sequence-Based Functional Genomics Experiments
and Analysis and Interpretation of Sequence-Based Functional Genomics Experiments Laboratory
BIOL 534/MATH 564Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences3
BIOL/MATH 553Mathematical and Computational Models in Biology3
BIOL 554Introduction to Computational Neuroscience3
BIOL/ENEC 562Statistics for Environmental Scientists4
BIOL/ENEC 563Statistical Analysis in Ecology and Evolution4
BMME/COMP 576Mathematics for Image Computing3
BUSI 410Business Analytics3
BUSI/COMP 488Data Science in the Business World3
CLAR 411Method and Theory in Classical Archaeology3
COMP 210Data Structures and Analysis3
COMP 388Advanced Cyberculture Studies3
COMP 410Data Structures3
COMP 421Files and Databases3
COMP 426Modern Web Programming3
COMP 433Mobile Computing Systems3
COMP 486/INLS 512Applications of Natural Language Processing3
COMP 487/INLS 509Information Retrieval3
COMP/BUSI 488Data Science in the Business World3
COMP/BCB 555Bioalgorithms3
COMP 560Artificial Intelligence3
COMP 562Introduction to Machine Learning H3
COMP 572Computational Photography3
COMP 576Mathematics for Image Computing3
ECON 470IDEAs in Action General Education logo Econometrics H3
ECON 573IDEAs in Action General Education logo Machine Learning and Econometrics3
ECON 575Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting3
EMES 520Data Analysis for Earth and Marine Sciences3
EMES 561Time Series and Spatial Data Analysis3
ENEC 305Data Analysis and Visualization of Social and Environmental Interactions4
ENEC/GEOG 437IDEAs in Action General Education logo Social Vulnerability to Climate Change3
ENEC/ENVR 468Temporal GIS and Space/Time Geostatistics for the Environment and Public Health3
ENEC/BIOL 562Statistics for Environmental Scientists4
ENEC/BIOL 563Statistical Analysis in Ecology and Evolution4
ENGL 480Digital Humanities History and Methods3
ENGL 482IDEAs in Action General Education logo Metadata, Mark-up, and Mapping: Understanding the Rhetoric of Digital Humanities3
ENVR/ENEC 468Temporal GIS and Space/Time Geostatistics for the Environment and Public Health3
EPID 600Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health3
EXSS 327IDEAs in Action General Education logo Predictive Analytics in Sport H3
GEOG 370IDEAs in Action General Education logo Introduction to Geographic Information3
GEOG 392IDEAs in Action General Education logo Research Methods in Geography3
GEOG 414IDEAs in Action General Education logo Climate Change3
GEOG 416IDEAs in Action General Education logo Applied Climatology: The Impacts of Climate and Weather on Environmental and Social Systems3
GEOG/ENEC 437IDEAs in Action General Education logo Social Vulnerability to Climate Change3
GEOG 446Geography of Health Care Delivery3
GEOG 456IDEAs in Action General Education logo Geovisualizing Change3
GEOG/PLAN 491Introduction to GIS3
INLS 509/COMP 487Information Retrieval3
INLS 512/COMP 486Applications of Natural Language Processing3
LING 202IDEAs in Action General Education logo Linguistic Variation and Language Change3
LING 203IDEAs in Action General Education logo Language Acquisition and Development3
LING 333IDEAs in Action General Education logo Human Language and Animal Communication Systems3
LING 401IDEAs in Action General Education logo Language and Computers3
LING 422Research Methods in Phonetics and Laboratory Phonology3
LING/ANTH 520IDEAs in Action General Education logo Linguistic Phonetics3
LING 525Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics3
MATH 210IDEAs in Action General Education logo Mathematical Tools for Data Science3
MATH 553Mathematical and Computational Models in Biology3
MATH 560Optimization with Applications in Machine Learning3
MATH 564Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences3
MEJO 570IDEAs in Action General Education logo Data Driven Journalism3
MEJO 571Social Media Analytics3.0
PHIL 353Minds and Machines: Philosophy of Cognitive Science H3
PHYS 331Numerical Techniques for the Sciences I4
PHYS 332Numerical Techniques for the Sciences II4
PLAN 372Introduction to Urban Data Analytics3
PLAN/GEOG 491Introduction to GIS3
PLCY 460IDEAs in Action General Education logo Quantitative Analysis for Public Policy H4
PLCY 505IDEAs in Action General Education logo Data Science for Public Policy and Decision Making4
PLCY 581IDEAs in Action General Education logo Research Design for Public Policy H3
POLI 381Data in Politics II: Frontiers and Applications3
PSYC 532Quantitative Psychology H3
PSYC 533The General Linear Model in Psychology H3
PSYC 559Applied Machine Learning in Psychology3
ROML 501Introduction to Digital Humanities for Romance Languages, Cultures and Heritage Studies3
STOR 320IDEAs in Action General Education logo Introduction to Data Science4
STOR 455Methods of Data Analysis3
STOR 535Probability for Data Science3
STOR 538Sports Analytics3
STOR 556Time Series Data Analysis3
STOR 565Machine Learning3
STOR 572Simulation for Analytics3
STOR 557Advanced Methods of Data Analysis3

Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.

Department of Statistics and Operations Research

Visit Program Website

318 Hanes Hall, CB# 3260

(919) 843-6024

Program Chair

Jeff McLean


Jan Hannig

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Nicolas Fraiman

Administrative Support Associate
