Honors Carolina

Honors Carolina is a four-year academic program geared toward the top 10 percent of undergraduates at UNC and promises those students a guided journey toward a successful career and purposeful life.  It is the University's way of investing in truly exceptional students by providing academic and non-academic challenges and opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom.

From the moment they step foot on campus, our students join a diverse community of scholars and friends. Approximately 2,100 students are currently members of Honors Carolina, and enjoy access to more than 200 small courses, award-winning faculty, and priority registration. Our unparalleled commitment to global learning offers students a doorway to the world through courses, internships, and research for academic credit.

The Honors Carolina "Go Anywhere" initiative is a comprehensive plan to elevate the program's reputation among industry leaders, position it as a destination of choice for top recruiters, and prepare students to seize opportunities before them through intensive advising and coaching. In fact, our academic advisors, career coaches, and alumni mentors are with students every step of the way. Through a diverse roster of co-curricular programs, students explore their interests; prepare for life after graduation; and connect with students, faculty, alumni, and leaders around the globe. Some enrolling first-year students are invited to participate immediately in Honors Carolina. Other students may apply to the program at the beginning of their second semester or first year of study. Details of the application process are available on the Honors Carolina website. Honors Carolina students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.000 or higher and complete a minimum number of honors credit hours by graduation in order to receive the “Honors Carolina Laureate” distinction on their transcript.

To graduate from the University with honors or highest honors, students must complete a senior thesis in their academic major. Senior honors thesis programs are offered in nearly 50 departments, curricula, and professional schools throughout the University. Interested students should consult with the honors advisor in their major about department-specific requirements.

Honors Carolina

Visit Program Website

218 E. Franklin Street

(919) 966-5110

Peter T. Grauer Associate Dean for Honors Carolina

James Leloudis
