Additional Resources 


VIET 101.  Elementary Vietnamese I.  3 Credits.  

Introduction to modern standard Vietnamese, providing practice and instruction in basic grammar and vocabulary.

Rules & Requirements  
Making Connections Gen Ed: FL.  
Grading Status: Letter grade.  
Global Language: Level 1.  
VIET 102.  Elementary Vietnamese II.  3 Credits.  

Introduction to modern standard Vietnamese, providing practice and instruction in basic grammar and vocabulary.

Rules & Requirements  
Making Connections Gen Ed: FL.  
Requisites: Prerequisite, VIET 101.  
Grading Status: Letter grade.  
Global Language: Level 2.  
IDEAs in Action General Education logoVIET 203.  Intermediate Vietnamese I.  3 Credits.  

Third semester of Vietnamese language instruction. Continued development of basic structures and introduction of new vocabulary and more complex grammar. Practice reading and writing longer passages and more conversation.

Rules & Requirements  
IDEAs in Action General Education logo IDEAs in Action Gen Ed: GLBL-LANG.
Making Connections Gen Ed: FL.  
Requisites: Prerequisites, VIET 102.  
Grading Status: Letter grade.  
Global Language: Level 3.  
VIET 204.  Intermediate Vietnamese II.  3 Credits.  

Fourth semester of Vietnamese language instruction. Continued development of basic structures and introduction of new vocabulary and more complex grammar. Practice reading and writing longer passages and more conversation.

Rules & Requirements  
Making Connections Gen Ed: FL.  
Requisites: Prerequisite, VIET 203.  
Grading Status: Letter grade.  
Global Language: Level 4.